Follow me on my journey to become a high school science teacher in a high-needs school in New York City. I hope to post lesson plan ideas as well as the everyday trials and tribulations of working in the forever changing school system.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Plants, Bees, and Hunts

This week in class all my students planted bean plants.  First they learned about the parts of the plant and what a plant needs to live.  My level three students also learned about the parts of a seed.  Each student now has their own little plant and we will watch it grow over the next two weeks. 

Level 2

Putting the cups up on the sunny windowsill

Andy- Level 1

They didn't want to give their plants up!

Julie came for a goodbye picture at the end of class =).

Level 1

Level 1

Level 3
My level one and two students then learned about the parts of a bee.  We started with an introduction to insects and the students named all of the insects they could think of.  They came up with so many that I wouldn’t expect them to know.  Then they made these adorable bee crafts out of black socks.  In the first class that we made the craft it was really chaotic.  I underestimated the amount of time it would take and how much help the students would need.  Once you start helping one student all of the other students want help also.  They all want their one-on-one time.  I was surrounded by 6-8 students at a time screaming, “teacha! teacha!” and trying to hold their socks a little higher than the other students’.  Everyone knows I get a little crazy when things are unorganized and chaotic so in my next class I made a rule that everyone has to stay in their seat and raise their hand when they need help.  This rule really helped my mental well-being!  I still went around to each student and gave them attention but it was much more organized. 

We didn’t have enough time in class to add the wings to the bees- we will add them next week.  I forgot to mention this to one my classes and one student, Jack, came up to me and said, “Teacha, bees have wings (pointing to the diagram on the board and showing my his bee) and this does not.  Where are the wings?”  This was in a level one class and I was so impressed that first he noticed that his bee was incomplete, and second that he was able to express what he was thinking to me (in English).  I let out a sigh of relief because I received confirmation that at least some of the students understand what I am talking about and care enough to ask questions about it.

Anna- Level 2

Diana- Level 2

Tom and Anna

Carla 2!

Spike- Level 2

Paul- Level 2

Jack- Level 1

Julie- for her goodbye picture again!

Mickey- Level 1

Rosy & Anna?- Level 1


Will- thats some serious dental floss damage.

Lucyanna- Level 1

Megan & Allan- Level 1


In my level three class they had a short introduction to the solar system and then they went on a solar system scavenger hunt.  I hid fun facts about the solar system around the hallway and gave the students a list of questions to fill out.  The students seemed to really enjoy getting out of the classroom and I don’t think they even realized they were learning, not just playing a game!

First to find this clue! 

Everyone working on the same clue


One of my favorite pictures

Emily- Level 3

I also teach one afternoon a week, it’s a 3 hour course and is supposed to be a grammar and vocabulary intensive class.  This week to give them a short break we did the hokey pokey.  I took a video of it- lets see if it actually works!  

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